This is the original GotW problem and solution substantially as posted to Usenet. See the book Exceptional C++ (Addison-Wesley, 2000) for the most current solutions to GotW issues #1-30. The solutions in the book have been revised and expanded since their initial appearance in GotW. The book versions also incorporate corrections, new material, and conformance to the final ANSI/ISO C++ standard. |
Object Lifetimes - Part II Difficulty: 6 / 10Following up from #22, this issue considers a C++ idiom that's frequently recommended... but often dangerously wrong. 
ProblemCritique the following idiom (shown as commonly presented): T& T::operator=( const T& other ) {
if( this != &other ) {
new (this) T(other);
return *this;
} 1. What legitimate goal does it try to achieve? Correct any coding flaws in the version above. 2. Even with any flaws corrected, is this idiom safe? Explain. If not, how else should the programmer achieve the intended results? (See also GotW #22, and the October 1997 C++ Report.) 
SolutionCritique the following idiom (shown as commonly presented): T& T::operator=( const T& other ) {
if( this != &other ) {
new (this) T(other);
return *this;
} Summary[1]This idiom is frequently recommended, and it appears as an example in the draft standard.[2] It is also poor form and, if anything, exactly backwards. Don't do it. 1. What legitimate goal does it try to achieve? This idiom expresses copy assignment in terms of copy construction. That is, it's trying to make sure that T's copy assignment and its copy constructor do the same thing, which keeps the programmer from having to needlessly repeat the same code in two places. This is a noble goal. After all, it makes programming easier when you don't have to write the same thing twice, and if T changes (e.g., gets a new member variable) you can't forget to update one of the functions when you update the other. This idiom could be particularly useful when there are virtual base classes that have data members, which would otherwise be assigned incorrectly at worst or multiple times at best. While this sounds good, it's not really much of a benefit in reality because virtual base classes shouldn't have data members anyway.[3] Also, if there are virtual base classes it means that this class is designed for inheritance, which (as we're about to see) means we can't use this idiom because it is too dangerous. Correct any coding flaws in the version above. The code above has one flaw that can be corrected, and several others that cannot. Problem #1: It Can Slice ObjectsThe line "this->~T();" does the wrong thing if T is a base class with a virtual destructor. When called on an object of a derived class, it will destroy the derived object and replace it with a T object. This will almost certainly break any subsequent code that tries to use the object. (See GotW #22 for more discussion about slicing.) In particular, this makes life a living hell for authors of derived classes (and there are other potential traps for derived classes, see below). Recall that derived assignment operators are normally written in terms of the base's assignment as follows: Derived&
Derived::operator=( const Derived& other ) {
Base::operator=( other );
// assign Derived members here...
return *this;
} In this case, we get: class U : /* ... */ T { /* ... */ };
U& U::operator=( const U& other ) {
T::operator=( other );
// assign U members here... oops
return *this; // oops
} As written, the call to T::operator=() silently breaks all of the code after it (both the U member assignments and the return statement). This will often manifest as a mysterious and hard-to-debug runtime error if the U destructor doesn't reset its data members to invalid values. To correct this problem, the code could call "this->T::~T();" instead, which ensures that for a derived object only the T subobject will be replaced (rather than the whole derived object be sliced and wrongly transformed into a T). This replaces an obvious danger with a subtler one that can still affect authors of derived classes (see below). 2. Even with any flaws corrected, is this idiom safe? Explain. No. Note that none of the following problems can be fixed without giving up on the entire idiom: Problem #2: It's Not Exception-SafeThe 'new' statement will invoke the T copy constructor. If that constructor can throw (and many/most classes do report constructor errors by throwing an exception), then the function is not exception-safe because it will end up destroying the old object without replacing it with anything. Like slicing, this flaw will break any subsequent code that tries to use the object. Worse, it will probably cause the program to attempt to destroy the same object twice since the outside code has no way of knowing that the destructor for this object has already been run. (See GotW #22 for more discussion about double destruction.) Problem #3: It's Inefficient for AssignmentThis idiom is inefficient because construction almost always involves more work than resetting values during assignment. Destruction and reconstruction done together involve even more work. Problem #4: It Changes Normal Object LifetimesThis idiom breaks any code that relies on normal object lifetimes. In particular, it breaks or interferes with all classes that use the common "initialization is resource acquisition" idiom. In general, it breaks or interferes with any class whose constructor or destructor has side effects. For example, what if T (or any base class of T) acquires a mutex lock or starts a database transaction in its constructor and frees the lock or transaction in its destructor? Then the lock/transaction will be incorrectly released and reacquired during an assignment -- typically breaking both client code and the class itself. Besides T and T's base classes, this can also break T's derived classes if they rely on T's normal lifetime semantics. Some will say, "But of course I'd never do this in a class that acquires/releases a mutex in its ctor/dtor!" The short answer is, "Really? And how do you know that none of your (direct or indirect) base classes does so?" Frankly, you often have no way of knowing this, and you should never rely on your base classes' working properly in the face of playing unusual games with object lifetimes. The fundamental problem is that this idiom subverts the meaning of construction and destruction. Construction and destruction correspond exactly to the beginning/end of an object's lifetime, at which times the object typically acquires/releases resources. Construction and destruction are not meant to be used to change an object's value (and in fact they do not; they actually destroy the old object and replace it with a lookalike that happens to carry the new value, which is not the same thing at all). Problem #5: It Can Still Break Derived ClassesWith Problem #1 solved by calling "this->T::~T();" instead, this idiom only replaces the "T part" (or "T subobject") within a derived object. Many derived classes can react well to having their objects' base parts swapped out and in like this, but some may not. In particular, any derived class that takes responsibility for its base class' state could fail if its base parts are modified without its knowledge (and invisibly destroying and reconstructing an object certainly counts as modification). This danger can be mitigated as long as the assignment doesn't do anything extraordinary or unexpected from what a "normally written" assignment operator would do. Problem #6: It Relies on Unreliable Pointer ComparisonsThe idiom relies completely on the "this != &other" test. (If you doubt that, consider what happens in the case of self-assignment.) The problem is that that test is not guaranteed to do what you might think: While the standard guarantees that pointers to the same object must compare equal, it doesn't guarantee that pointers to different objects must compare unequal. If this happens, the assignment won't be done when it should. (See GotW #11 for more about the "this != &other" test.) For those who think that this is pedantic, a brief thought from GotW #11: Any copy assignment that "must" check for self-assignment is not exception-safe.[4] [Note: See Exceptional C++ and the Errata page for updated information.] There are other potential hazards that can affect client code and/or derived classes (such as behaviour in the presence of virtual assignment operators, which are always a bit tricky at the best of times), but this should be enough to demonstrate that the idiom has some serious problems. So What Should We Do Instead?If not, how else should the programmer achieve the intended results? The idea of having one member function do the work of both kinds of copying (copy construction and copy assignment) is good: It means that the code only needs to be written and maintained in one place. This idiom just chose the wrong common function, that's all. If anything, the idiom is exactly backwards: copy construction should be implemented in terms of copy assignment, rather than the reverse. For example: T::T( const T& other ) {
/* T:: */ operator=( other );
T& T::operator=( const T& other ) {
// the real work goes here
// (presumably done exception-safely, but now it
// can throw whereas throwing broke us before)
return *this;
} This has all the benefits of the original idiom, and none of the problems.[5] For prettiness, you might write a common private helper function that does the real work, but it's pretty much the same: T::T( const T& other ) {
do_copy( other );
T& T::operator=( const T& other ) {
do_copy( other );
return *this;
T& T::do_copy( const T& other ) {
// the real work goes here
// (presumably done exception-safely, but now it
// can throw whereas throwing broke us before)
} ConclusionThe original idiom is full of pitfalls, it's often wrong, and it makes life a living hell for the authors of derived classes. I'm sometimes tempted to post the above code in the office kitchen with the caption: "Here be dragons." From the GotW coding standards: - prefer writing a common private function to share code between copying and copy assignment, if necessary; never use the trick of implementing copy assignment in terms of copy construction by using an explicit destructor followed by placement new, even though this trick crops up every three months on the newsgroups (i.e., never write:
T& T::operator=( const T& other )
if( this != &other)
this->~T(); // evil
new (this) T( other ); // evil
return *this;
} Notes1. I'm ignoring pathological cases (e.g., overloading T::operator&() to do something other than return this). GotW #11 mentioned a few. 2. In the draft standard, this example was intended to demonstrate the object lifetime rules, not to recommend a good practice (it isn't!). For those interested, here it is (slightly edited for space) from 3.8/7: [Example:
struct C {
int i;
void f();
const C& operator=( const C& );
const C& C::operator=( const C& other)
if ( this != &other )
this->~C(); // lifetime of '*this' ends
new (this) C(other);
// new object of type C created
f(); // well-defined
return *this;
C c1;
C c2;
c1 = c2; // well-defined
c1.f(); // well-defined; c1 refers to
// a new object of type C
--end example] As further proof that this is not intended to recommend good practice, note that here C::operator=() returns a const C& rather than a plain C&, which needlessly prevents portable use of these objects in standard library containers. From the GotW coding standards: - declare copy assignment as "T& T::operator=(const T&)" - don't return const T&; although this would be nice since it prevents usage like "(a=b)=c", it would mean you couldn't portably put T objects into standard library containers, since these require that assignment returns a plain T& (Cline95: 212; Murray93: 32-33)
3. See also Scott Meyers' "Effective C++". 4. While you can't rely on the "this != &other" test, there's nothing wrong with using it as an attempt to optimize away known self-assignments. If it works, you've saved yourself an assignment. If it doesn't, of course, your assignment operator should still be written in such a way that it's safe for self-assignment. There are arguments both for and against using this test as an optimization, but that's beyond the scope of this GotW. 5. True, it still requires a default constructor and it may still not be optimally efficient, but you can only get optimal efficiency by using initializer lists (initializing the member variables during construction as one step, rather than constructing them and then assigning them as two steps). Of course, doing that would sacrifice the code commonality, and arguing those tradeoffs is again beyond the scope of this GotW. |