Flavors of Genericity
Difficulty: 7 / 10
How generic is a generic function, really? The answer can depend as much on its implementation as on its interface, and a perfectly generalized interface can be hobbled by simple -- and awkward-to-diagnose -- programming lapses.

JG Question
1. What's the purpose of C++'s template feature?
Guru Questions
The code in the following questions is taken from the box on page 42 of Exceptional C++.[1]
2. What are the semantics of the following function? Be as complete as you can, and be sure to explain why there are two template parameters and not just one.
// Example 2(a): construct().
template <class T1, class T2>
void construct( T1* p, const T2& value )
new (p) T1(value);
3. There is a subtle genericity trap in the following functions. What is it, and what's the best way to fix it?
// Example 3(a): destroy().
template <class T>
void destroy( T* p )
template <class FwdIter>
void destroy( FwdIter first, FwdIter last )
while( first != last )
destroy( first );
4. What are the semantics of the following function, including the requirements on T? Is it possible to remove any of those requirements? If so, demonstrate how, and argue whether doing so is a good idea or a bad idea.
// Example 4(a): swap().
template <class T>
void swap( T& a, T& b )
T temp(a); a = b; b = temp;

1. What's the purpose of C++'s template feature?
Templates provide powerful compile-time polymorphism. Misuse of templates can cause really hard-to-read error messages on many compilers, but templates are also one of C++'s most powerful features.
When we think of polymorphism in an object-oriented world, we think of the kind of runtime polymorphism we get from using virtual functions. A base class establishes an interface "contract" as defined by a set of virtual functions, and derived classes may inherit from the base class and override the virtual functions in a way that preserves the contracted semantics. Then other code that expects to work on a Base object (and accepts the Base object by pointer or reference) can work equally well with a Derived object:
// Example 1(a): Ye olde garden-variety runtime
// polymorphism. Doesn't draw big crowds these days.
class Base
virtual void f();
virtual void g();
class Derived : public Base
// override f() and/or g() if desired
void h( Base& b )
int main()
Derived d;
h( d );
This is great stuff, and gives a lot of runtime flexibility. The main drawbacks of runtime polymorphism are that the types must be related in a hierarchy derived from a common base class, and when the virtual functions are called in a tight loop you may notice some performance penalty because normally each call to a virtual function must be made through an extra pointer indirection, as the compiler figures out the Derived function you "really" mean to call.
If you know the types you're using at compile time, then you can get around both of the above drawbacks: You can use types that are not related by inheritance, as long as they provide the expected operations:
// Example 1(b): Ye newe C++-variety compile-time
// polymorphism. Powerful stuff. We're still
// finding out just what kinds of nifty things
// this makes possible.
class Xyzzy
void f( bool someParm = true );
void g();
void GoToGazebo();
// ... more functions ...
class Murgatroyd
void f();
void g( double two = 6.28, double e = 2.71828 );
int HeavensTo( const Z& ) const;
// ... more functions ...
template<class T>
void h( T& t )
int main()
Xyzzy x;
Murgatroyd m;
h( x );
h( m );
As long as both objects x and m are of a type that provides member functions f() and g() that can be called with no parameters, h() will work. In Example 1(b), both types actually have different signatures for f() and g(), and they also provide additional functions beyond just those two, but h() doesn't care... as long as f() and g() can be called without parameters, the compiler will allow h() to make the calls. Of course, when called, those functions should also do something that's sensible for h()!
2. What are the semantics of the following function? Be as complete as you can, and be sure to explain why there are two template parameters and not just one.
// Example 2(a): construct().
template <class T1, class T2>
void construct( T1* p, const T2& value )
new (p) T1(value);
construct() constructs an object in a given memory location using an initial value. The form of new used here is called "placement new," and instead of allocating memory for the new object, it just puts it into the memory pointed at by p. Any object new'd in this way should generally be destroyed by calling its destructor explicitly (as shown in Question 3), rather than by using a delete expression.
Why two template parameters? Isn't one sufficient to make a copy of the value object? Well, if construct() had only one template parameter, then you would need to explicitly state the type of that parameter when copying from an object of a different type:
// Example 2(b): A less functional construct(),
// and why it's less functional.
template <class T1>
void construct( T1* p, const T1& value )
new (p) T1(value);
// Assume that both p1 and p2 point to raw memory.
void f( double* p1, Base* p2 )
Base b;
Derived d;
construct( p1, 2.718 ); // ok
construct( p2, b ); // ok
construct( p1, 42 ); // error: is T1 double or int?
construct<double>( p1, 42 ); // ok
construct( p2, d ); // error: is T1 Base or Derived?
construct<Base>( p2, d ); // ok
The reason the two noted cases are ambiguous is that the compiler doesn't know enough to deduce the template parameter, and so the programmer is forced to nominate a template parameter explicitly. Yet shouldn't we allow programmers to silently construct a double from an integer value? Probably; the worst that could happen is that we might lose some precision. Shouldn't we allow programmers to silently construct a Base from a Derived? Possibly; if Base allows that, then slicing would occur but that can be a legitimate choice of operation.
Assuming that we want to allow the programmer to be able to do such things without explicitly naming types, we need to use the originally-presented version that has two independent template parameters.
3. There is a subtle genericity trap in the following functions. What is it, and what's the best way to fix it?
// Example 3(a): destroy().
template <class T>
void destroy( T* p )
template <class FwdIter>
void destroy( FwdIter first, FwdIter last )
while( first != last )
destroy( first );
destroy() destroys an object or a range of objects. The first version takes a single pointer, and calls the pointed-at object's destructor. The second version takes an iterator range, and iteratively destroys the individual objects in the designated range.
Still, there's a subtle trap here. This didn't make a difference in any example in the book, but it's a little odd: The two-parameter destroy(FwdIter,FwdIter) version is templatized to take any generic iterator, and yet it calls the one-parameter destroy(T*) by passing it one of the iterators -- which requires that FwdIter must be a plain old pointer! This needlessly loses some of the generality of templatizing on FwdIter. It also means you can get Really Obscure error messages when compiling code that tries to call destroy(FwdIter,FwdIter) with non-pointer iterators, because (at least one of) the actual failure(s) will be on the destroy(first) line inside the two-parameter version, which typically generates such useful messages as the following, taken from one popular compiler:
'void __cdecl destroy(template-parameter-1,template-parameter-1)' : expects 2 arguments - 1 provided
'void __cdecl destroy(template-parameter-1 *)' : could not deduce template argument for 'template-parameter-1 *' from '[the iterator type I was using]'
These error messages aren't as bad as some I've seen, and with only a little bit of extra reading they do actually tell you (mostly) what's going on. The first message indicates that the compiler was trying to resolve the line "destroy(first)" as a call to the two-parameter version; the second indicates an attempt instead to resolve it as a call to the one-parameter version. Both attempts failed, each for a different reason: The two-parameter version can take iterators, but needs two of them, not just one; and the one-parameter version can take just one parameter, but needs it to be a pointer. No dice.
Having said all that, in reality we'd almost never want to use destroy() with anything but pointers in the first place just because of the way the function is intended to be used, given that it turns things back into raw memory and all. Still, only a simple change is needed to let FwdIter be any iterator type, not just a pointer, so why not do it: Have destroy(iter,iter) call the destructor explicitly. In the two-parameter version of destroy(), change:
destroy( first );
destroy( &*first );
This will almost always work. After all, we can usually expect that, for an iterator iter, the expression &*iter really does yield a pointer to the T object to which the iterator refers. Consider why it would usually work fine: All standard-conforming iterators [2] are required to supply an operator*() that returns a true T&. This is one of the reasons why proxied containers are not supported by the C++ standard; for more information about this and related issues, see the discussion of the expression &*t.begin() in GotW #50 [3] and my May 1999 C++ Report column.[4] (It is possible, if rare, to make "destroy( &*first );" not work: As Astute Reader Bill Wade pointed out, that formulation will fail to work if T overrides its operator&() to return something besides the object's address.)
What's the moral of the story? Beware subtle genericity drawbacks when implementing one generic function in terms of another. In this case, there was a subtle principal drawback: The two-parameter version wasn't as generic for iterators as we originally thought. There was also an even subtler secondary drawback: The quick fix of changing "destroy( first );" to "destroy( &*first );" introduced a new requirement on T, namely that it provide an operator&() with normal semantics, namely one that really returns a pointer to the object. Both traps were neatly avoided when we stopped implementing one function in terms of the other.
4. What are the semantics of the following function, including the requirements on T? Is it possible to remove any of those requirements? If so, demonstrate how, and argue whether doing so is a good idea or a bad idea.
// Example 4(a): swap().
template <class T>
void swap( T& a, T& b )
T temp(a); a = b; b = temp;
swap() just exchanges two values using the copy constructor and copy assignment operator. It therefore requires that T have a copy constructor and a copy assignment operator.
If that's all you said, give yourself half marks only. One of the important things to note about the semantics of any function is its exception safety status, including what guarantees it provides: In this case, swap() is not at all exception-safe if T's copy assignment operator can throw an exception. In particular, if T::operator=() can throw but is atomic (all-or-nothing), then if the second assignment fails we exit via an exception but a has already been modified; if additionally T::operator=() can throw but is not atomic, then it is possible for swap() to exit via an exception but both parameters may have been modified and one may now contain neither of the two values. Therefore this swap() must be documented as follows:
- if T::operator=() doesn't throw, swap() gives the aC guarantee (all-or-nothing, except for side effects of T operations);[5]
- otherwise, if T::operator=() can throw:
- if T::operator=() is atomic, and swap() exits by means of an exception, the first argument might or might not already have been modified;
- otherwise, if T::operator=() isn't atomic, and swap() exits by means of an exception, both arguments might or might not already have been modified, and one of them might contain neither of the original two values.
There are two ways to remove the requirement that T have an assignment operator, and the first additionally provides better exception safety:
1. Specialize or overload swap(). Say that we have a class MyClass that uses the common idiom of providing a nonthrowing Swap(). Then we can specialize standard functions for MyClass as follows.
// Example 4(b): Specializing swap().
class MyClass
void Swap( MyClass& ) throw();
// ...
namespace std
template<> swap<MyClass>( MyClass& a, MyClass& b )
// throw()
a.Swap( b );
Alternatively, we can overload standard functions for MyClass as follows:
// Example 4(c): Overloading swap().
class MyClass
void Swap( MyClass& ) throw();
// ...
// NOTE: Not in namespace std.
swap( MyClass& a, MyClass& b ) // throw()
a.Swap( b );
Doing this is usually a good idea -- even if T does have an assignment operator that would allow the original version to work!
For example, the standard library itself overloads swap() for vector<> so that calling swap() actually invokes vector<>::swap(). This makes a lot of sense, because vector<>::swap() can be much more efficient by avoiding making any copies of the vectors' data at all. The primary template above would create a complete new copy (temp) of one of the vectors, then perform additional copying from one vector to the other, then perform additional copying from temp to the other vector, which results in a lot of T operations and has complexity O(N) where N is the combined size of the vectors being swapped. The specialized version will typically simply just assign a few pointers and integral types, and runs in constant (and usually negligible) time.
So, if you create a type that provides a swap()-like operation, it's usually a good idea to specialize std::swap() (or provide your own overloaded swap() in another namespace) that's specific to your new type. It will usually be more efficient than a routine application of the primary std::swap() template's brute-force procedure, and will often improve swap()'s own exception safety.
2. Destroy-and-reconstruct. The idea here is to write swap() in terms of T's copy constructor instead of its copy assignment operator, and of course this only works if T indeed has a copy constructor:
// Example 4(d): swap() without assignment.
template <class T>
void swap( T& a, T& b )
if( &a != &b ) // note: this check is now necessary!
T temp( a );
destroy( &a );
construct( &a, b );
destroy( &b );
construct( &b, temp );
First, this is never appropriate if T copy assignment can throw, because then you get all the exception safety problems of the original version, only in spades: You can get into situations where the objects hold not only indeterminate values, but no longer exist at all!
If we know that T copy assignment is guaranteed not to throw, though, this version does have the extra ability to deal with types that can't be assigned but can be copy-constructed, and there are indeed many such types. Being able to swap such types is -not- necessarily a good thing, though, because if a type can't be assigned then it's probably set up that way for a good reason -- for example, it likely doesn't have value semantics, and it may have const or reference members -- and so providing a mechanism to "imbue" (or "impose") value semantics may be misguided and produce surprising and incorrect results.
Worse still, this approach plays games with object lifetimes, and that's always questionable. Here by "plays games" I mean that it changes not only the values, but the very -existence-, of the operated-upon objects. Code using the Example 4(d) form of swap() could easily produce surprising results when users forget about the unusual destruction semantics.
A guideline: If you must play games with object lifetimes and you know that doing so is okay, and you're certain that the operated-upon objects' copy constructors can never thow, and you're very sure that the unusually "imposed" value semantics will be all right in your application for those specific objects, then (and only then) you may legitimately decide to use such an approach in those specific situations only -- but even then, don't make such an operation a general template that could be accidentally instantiated for -any- type, and be very sure to document the blazes out of it so that the poor unsuspecting user next door knows what to expect, because this technique falls squarely into the "unusual" section of the C++ coding catalog.
1. H. Sutter. Exceptional C++ (Addison-Wesley, 2000).
2. Note that this does not include vector<bool>::iterator, which is not a conforming iterator.
3. Available at http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/050.htm.
4. Sutter, H. "When Is a Container Not a Container?" (C++ Report, 11(5), May 1999). This discusses some of the evils of vector<bool>.
5. See GotW #61.