Constant Optimization?
Difficulty: 3 / 10
Does const-correctness help the compiler to optimize code? Most programmers' reaction is that, yes, it probably does. Which brings us to the interesting thing...

JG Question
1. Consider the following code:
// Example 1
const Y& f( const X& x )
// ... do something with x and find a Y object ...
return someY;
Does declaring the parameter and/or the return value as const help the compiler to generate more optimal code or otherwise improve its code generation? Why or why not?
Guru Questions
2. In general, explain why or why not the presence or absence of const can help the compiler to enhance the code it generates.
3. Consider the following code:
// Example 3
void f( const Z z )
// ...
The questions:
a) Under what circumstances, and for what kinds of class Z, could this particular const qualification help to generate different and better code? Discuss.
b) For the kinds of circumstances mentioned in (a), are we talking about a compiler optimization or some other kind of optimization? Explain.
c) What's a better way to get the same effect?

1. Consider the following code:
// Example 1
const Y& f( const X& x )
// ... do something with x and find a Y object ...
return someY;
Does declaring the parameter and/or the return value as const help the compiler to generate more optimal code or otherwise improve its code generation? Why or why not?
In short, no, it probably doesn't.
What could the compiler do better? Could it avoid a copy of the parameter or the return value? No, because the parameter is already passed by reference, and the return is already by reference. Could it put a copy of x or someY into read-only memory? No, for both x and someY live outside its scope and come from and/or are given to the outside world. Even if someY is dynamically allocated on the fly within f() itself, it and its ownership are given up to the caller.
But what about possible optimizations of code that appears inside the body of f()? Because of the const, could the compiler somehow improve the code it generates for the body of f()? This leads into the second and more general question:
2. In general, explain why or why not the presence or absence of const can help the compiler to enhance the code it generates.
Referring again to Example 1, of course the usual reason that the parameter's constness doesn't usually let the compiler do fancy things still applies here: Even when you call a const member function, the compiler can't assume that the bits of object x or object someY won't be changed. Further, there are additional problems (unless the compiler performs global optimization): The compiler also may not know for sure that no other code might have a non-const reference that aliases the same object as x and/or someY, and whether any such non-const references to the same object might get used incidentally during the execution of f(); and the compiler may not even know whether the real objects, to which x and someY are merely references, were actually declared const in the first place.
Just because x and y are declared const doesn't necessarily mean that their bits are physically const. Why not? Because either class may have mutable members -- or their moral equivalent, namely const_casts inside member functions. Indeed, the code inside f() itself might perform const_casts or C-style casts that turn the const declarations into lies.
There is one case where saying "const" can really mean something, and that is when objects are made const at the point they are defined. In that case, the compiler can often successfully put such "really const" objects into read-only memory, especially if they are PODs whose memory images can be created at compile time and therefore can be stored right inside the program's executable image itself. Such objects are colloquially called "ROM-able."
3. Consider the following code:
// Example 3
void f( const Z z )
// ...
The questions:
a) Under what circumstances, and for what kinds of class Z, could this particular const qualification help to generate different and better code? Discuss.
The short answer is: Yes and no.
First, the Yes part: Because the compiler knows that z truly is a const object, it could perform some useful optimizations even without global analysis. For example, if the body of f() contains a call like g( &z ), the compiler can be sure that the non-mutable parts of z do not change during the call to g().
Other than that, however, writing const in Example 3 is not an optimization for most classes Z -- and in those cases where it is an optimization, it's not a compiler code generation optimization.
For compiler code generation, the question mostly comes down to whether the compiler could elide copy construction, or could put z into read-only memory. That is, it would be nice if we knew that z was really untouched by what goes on inside f(), because theoretically that would mean we might be able to just directly use the outside object that the caller passed into this function instead of making a copy of it, or else we could make a copy but put that copy into read-only memory if that happens to be faster or otherwise more desirable.
In general, the compiler can't use the parameter's constness to elide the copy construction or assume bitwise constness. As noted above, too many things can go wrong. In particular, Z might have mutable members, or someone somewhere (in f() itself, in some other function, or in some directly or indirectly called Z member function) might perform const_casts or other chicanery.
There is one case where the compiler might be able to generate better code. If:
then the compiler can be sure of what exactly is going on every step of the way, and might choose to elide the copy under the "as if" rule, which says that a compiler is allowed to do something different from what the standard technically says it must as long as a conforming program can't tell the difference.
As an aside, here it's worth mentioning one small red herring: Some people may say there's another case where the compiler could generate better code with const, namely if the compiler performs global optimization. The thing is that that sentence is true even if you remove the "with const." Never mind that global optimization is rare and very expensive; the real issue here is that global optimization makes use of all knowledge about how an object is actually used, and therefore will do the same thing whether the object is actually declared const or not -- it makes decisions based on what you really do, not on what you promised to do, and so it doesn't matter if the two happen to be the same thing. If you're getting true global optimization anyway, then promising constness definitely doesn't help the optimizer do its job any better in this respect.
Note that above I said that "writing const in Example 3 is not an optimization for most classes Z," and "for compiler code generation." There are, however, more optimizations that are possible than are dreamt of in your compiler's optimizer! And indeed const can enable some real optimizations:
b) For the kinds of circumstances mentioned in (a), are we talking about a compiler optimization or some other kind of optimization? Explain.
In particular, there are also programmatic optimizations, where the author of Z can intelligently choose to do things a different way for const objects.
As a case in point, let's say that Example 3's Z is a handle/body class, such as a String class that uses reference counting to perform lazy copying:
// Example 4
void f( const String s )
// ...
s[4]; // or use iterators
// ...
Such a String, knowing that calling operator[]() on a const String shouldn't be able to change the contents of the string, might decide to provide a const overload for operator[]() that returns a char by value instead of a char&:
class String
// ...
char operator[]( size_t ) const;
char& operator[]( size_t );
// ...
Similarly, String could also provide const_iterators whose operator*() returns a char by value instead of a char&:
If so, and if you happen to use the smartened-up operator[]() or iterators, and you declare the pass-by-value parameter as const, then -- wonder of wonders! -- the String can, with no further help from you, automagically and wholesomely optimize your code by avoiding a deep copy...
c) What's a better way to get the same effect?
...but you get all of this and more by simply writing
// Example 5: Just do it -- better than Example 3
void f( const Z& z )
// ...
and it works whether the object is handle/body or reference-counted or not, so just do that!
Guideline: Avoid passing objects by const value. Prefer passing them by const reference instead, unless they're cheap-to-copy objects like ints.
It's a common belief that const-correctness helps compilers generate tighter code. Const is indeed a Good Thing, but the point of this issue of GotW is that const is mainly for humans, rather than for compilers and optimizers. When it comes to writing safe code, const is a great tool that lets programmers write safer code with compiler checking and enforcement. Even when it comes to optimization, const is still principally useful as a tool that lets human class designers better implement handcrafted optimizations, and less so as a tag for omniscient compilers to automatically generate better code.
Thanks to Kevlin Henney for suggesting this topic and some of the cases, and to Bill Wade for an amplification to 3(a)..