More Exceptional C++ by Herb Sutter is the sequel to Herb's widely acclaimed book Exceptional C++. Both are in Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ In Depth series. Overview: Organized in a practical problem-and-solution format, More Exceptional C++ picks up where the popular Exceptional C++ leaves off, providing successful strategies for solving real-world problems in C++. Drawing from years of in-the-trenches experience, the book provides tested techniques and practical solutions for programmers designing modern software systems with C++, from small projects to enterprise applications. Contents: Built around forty programming puzzles, More Exceptional C++ helps you understand the rules and issues critical to successful software design and development in C++. New themes included in this sequel place a strong emphasis on generic programming, memory management, and using the C++ standard library, including coverage of important techniques like traits and predicates. Also included are guidelines and considerations to remember when using standard containers and algorithms -- topics rarely covered in-depth in other sources. Readers will find solutions to such important questions as:
A must-have for the serious programmer, More Exceptional C++ provides a thorough and pragmatic understanding of the language while showing you how to write exceptional code in C++. Besides containing additional new material and information from Herb's print articles and columns, More Exceptional C++ is also the authoritative reference for Guru of the Week issues #31 to #62 and a few later ones, with (often considerably) revised and enhanced solutions. Translations: More Exceptional C++ is now available in Chinese (Simplified), English, Korean, Russian, and Turkish. The following information has been compiled by the author. In the Press: What Reviewers Are Saying About More Exceptional C++Like the first book, since its publication More Exceptional C++ has received unanimously positive reviews. Here, in approximate reverse chronological order, are all the reviews I know about. If you know of other reviews not yet listed here, please tell me about them.
More Exceptional C++ Via AmazonIf the above sounds interesting, check out More Exceptional C++ on Amazon.com. Thank you for your interest in GotW and the Exceptional C++ book series!
Convener, ISO WG21 (C++ standards committee) |
Copyright © 2009 Herb Sutter |